
A blog to explain, explore and inform the world about my life and adventures.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Quoted on the BBC

I was pleasantly surprised when a friend from India told me that she had heard my name mentioned during a BBC World Debate on the role of the media in development. As I don't normally have many reasons to blog (or lack the necessary motivation to blog assidiously), I decided to use this fact to write up a new entry on my blog.

For those interested, the debate can be listened to here: (fast forward to 10:50 if you want to skip the beginning bit)

Quote is based on a report that I co-authored this summer on the role of the media in crisis states.

Other than that, I presented a paper I wrote on the role of local NGOs in Eastern Congo at a USAID conference last week, and it was generally well received.

Think I might actually be doing something useful at the moment, though there is always more work to be done!